We know it isn't always easy. If you're finding yourself in a tough situation, or feeling overwhelmed, it's important to reach out for help. If you have an adult you trust, please let them know you're going through a rough time. If you find it's too hard to talk about, consider writing a note to them instead.
Here are some resources that may be helpful to you:
If you think something may be "off" with someone you know, we encourage you to reach out to see how they're doing. Letting them know you care may mean the difference in their lives. Learn more at Buddy Check for Jesse!
See how our BLAZERS support mental health!
If you are feeling like you have lost hope and are struggling to cope, if you are dealing with thoughts of suicide, or if you are worried about someone else, 9-8-8 is here for you. When you reach out, a trained responder will listen without judgement, provide support and understanding, and can tell you about resources that will help.
9-8-8 is here to provide moments of connection that create hope, support recovery and save lives. We help people connect to their strengths and find new ways to cope, live and thrive. Our vision is a Canada where suicide is prevented because everyone can access help when they need it the most." From the 9-8-8 site.
If you or a friend are in crisis, you can reach out to these services:
• Kids Help Phone (available 24/7): 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868 ( https://kidshelpphone.ca)
• Klinic Crisis Line (available 24/7): 204-786-8686 or 1-888-322-3019 (https://klinic.mb.ca/crisis-s
• Manitoba Suicide Prevention & Support Line (available 24/7): 1-877-435-7170 ( https://reasontolive.ca)
You can also find help at:
• Kids Help Phone: https://kidshelpphone.ca
• Anxiety Canada: https://www.anxietycanada.com
• Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba: https://adam.mb.ca
Here are great resources for people who are part of our 2SLGBTQI+ communities:
• https://twospiritmanitoba.ca
• https://rainbowresourcecentre.org
• https://www.youthline.ca
• https://itgetsbettercanada.org
• https://ok2bme.ca
• https://jfcy.org/en/resource-category/lgbtqi2s